Why Retirement Planning Should Not Be Ignored?

Many never give retirement a serious thought. Probably, it is the least of priority especially for someone who is in the mid-30s or early forties. People often think that they have a long way to go and retirement planning should be undertaken only when is approaching retirement. This is a wrong assumption. This does not mean that you should start worrying about retirement now, but you must consider various options and start investing as and when the opportunity presents itself. 

Metlife India Insurance carried a survey that revealed eye-opening statistics. Nearly 75% of working people rarely gave any thought to retirement planning. This is shocking considering that this figure stands at 55%, 45%, and 30% for Australia, the US, and the UK respectively. Indians, on the other hand, have a lackadaisical approach towards retirement planning. Nearly 70% of Indians are concerned about outliving retirement money. Astonishingly only 22% of Indians actually plan for retirement.

 When it comes to retirement, culture has a huge impact. In India majority of people treat their children as a retirement plan. While it is the duty of a child to support his parents, it could be a struggle in a rapidly changing economic scenario. In India, social security is non-existent and hence people have to save enough so that they can carry themselves with grace in old age. True, people have other goals in life but retirement planning should not be ignored. 

When it comes to money you must always remember the concept of the time value of money. The time value of money (TVM) is the concept that the money you have now is worth more than the identical sum in the future due to its potential earning capacity. This core principle of finance holds that provided money can earn interest, any amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received. This explains the importance of investing early. 

How much money is enough for retirement? There is no fixed answer to this question. Websites like www.investonline.in provide state-of-the-art intelligent retirement planning calculators that can help you determine the corpus needed for retirement. While planning for retirement you must factor in the effects of inflation. For example, the value of Rs 1,000 will be a lot less than 30 years from now. You need to figure out the retirement corpus required and start saving the money now. 

If you are unsure of investments you can seek the help of a qualified financial advisor who will suggest you appropriate investments after evaluating your risk profile. This is very important as investing without understanding your risk profile can lead you to make bad decisions.


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