Equities Are Your best Friend In Wealth Creation
Equities are known to deliver inflation-beating returns. At a time when the interest rates are low equities are one's best bet to shield one's wealth from the destructive effects of inflation. Historically equities have delivered stellar returns ranging from 17% to 22% per annum. The problem with equities is that they are highly volatile. Many equity investors tend to liquidate their holding during volatile times. The net result is that not only the investor loses his leverage but also falls short of accumulating the desired corpus to fulfill his financial goals . Patience is extremely essential for the success of equity investments . One cannot achieve his long-term goals by looking at short-term volatility. During the historical volatility witnessed during March 2020, many equity investors pressed the panic button and exited their investments in a hurry. This kind of behavior can derail the financial train that can help the investor achieve even the most difficult financial...