Here's What You Should Do With Your PPF Account Once It Matures

Public Provident Fund (PPF), a retirement planning-focused instrument, has a lock-in period of 15 years. In this investment, the overall interest earned during the period of investment as well as the maturity amount is tax-free. Since 15 years is a long period, reaching the maturity in case of PPF is itself like completing an important milestone in the financial journey. However, on reaching maturity, many may be plagued by the 'What's next' question. In view of this, let's look at some of the options to proceed with the PPF account once it matures: Close the account and withdraw the entire amount Investors can transfer the entire amount (generated from PPF investment ) to a savings account by submitting an application to the bank or post office. Extend the account without fresh deposits The PPF account can remain active even after maturity, without making any fresh contributions. It continues earning tax-free interest after maturity. This means investors can continu...